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Latest News丨UKNI Northern Ireland conformity assessment mark after Brexit
Publisher:Admin  Source:  Date:2021/3/24

On January 1, 2021, the "Northern Ireland Agreement"officially came into effect, Northern Ireland will be consistent with all relevant EU regulations related to the placing of manufactured products on the market. The manufacturer must use the "Conformity Identification Mark"-UKNI to prove that the product complies with these rules. The UKNI mark is a new conformity assessment mark for products placed on the market in Northern Ireland, which proves that the product has passed a compulsory third-party conformity assessment.


BACL has obtained the qualifications authorized by UKNI conformity assessment agency AB:

On December 11, 2020, BACL became an assessment agency AB (Assessment Body) accredited by UKCA, with the notified body code: AB 1313.


The scope of accreditation of BACL UKNI AB:


BACL UKNI AB's UK official website listing and link:


Official website link:

Products covered by the UKNI conformity assessment mark:

Certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, construction products,ecological design of energy-related products, electromagnetic compatibility, equipment and protection systems used in potentially explosive environments, hot water boilers, household refrigerators and freezers, elevators, low-voltage electrical appliances, machinery , Measuring instruments, noise emissions in the environment, non-automatic weighing instruments, personal protective equipment, pressure equipment, pyrotechnics, radio and telecommunications terminal equipment, recreational boats and private boats, toy safety, simple pressure vessels, etc.

Use of UKNI conformity assessment mark:

From January 1, 2021, certain products (mostly products with CE conformity assessment marks) will be placed on the Northern Ireland market. Your products require a mandatory third-party conformity assessment and a local agent in Northern Ireland ( The manufacturer’s authorized representative). In most cases, you must use the UKNI conformity assessment mark on the product itself or on the packaging. In some cases, it may be placed on manuals or other supporting documents. This will vary according to the specific regulations that apply to the product. The UKNI conformity assessment mark can only be affixed to the product by you as the manufacturer or your authorized representative (within the scope permitted by relevant laws). The specific requirements are as follows:

1) If you reduce or increase the size of the conformity assessment mark, the letters forming the UKNI conformity assessment mark must be proportional to the following version;

2) The height of the UKNI conformity assessment mark is at least 5mm,nless a different minimum size is specified in the relevant laws and regulations;

3) The UKNI conformity assessment mark is easy to see, clear and easy to read, and is permanently pasted.


UKNI's technical documentation:

The manufacturer, the local authorized representative of the manufacturer (within the scope permitted by relevant laws) or the importer must retain documents to prove that your product complies with the regulatory requirements, and the product must be stored for up to 10 years after it is placed on the market. Law enforcement agencies can request this information at any time to check whether your product meets regulatory requirements. The information you must keep will vary according to the specific regulations related to the product. 1) The design and manufacturing method of the product; 2) How to prove that the product meets the relevant requirements; 3) The address of the manufacturer and any storage facilities.

The difference between UKCA and UKNI:

UKNI: Northern Ireland conformity assessment mark, only applicable to products entering the Northern Ireland market, not applicable to products entering the markets of England, Wales and Scotland.

UKCA: UK Market Conformity Assessment Mark. UKCA is a new product certification mark that will be used for products in the UK (England, Wales and Scotland) market. It covers most of the products that previously required CE certification. Products from the UK market (England, Wales, Scotland, excluding Northern Ireland). The UKCA logo does not apply to products placed on the Northern Ireland market. Manufacturers must immediately apply the new UKCA conformity assessment mark to products sold in the UK from January 1, 2021.

As an assessment body AB (Assessment Body) accredited by UKCA and UKNI in Northern Ireland, BACL can provide customers with UKCA AB&UKNI AB's NB certificate and UKCA AOC, UKNI AOC testing and certification services to help your products enter the UK market and Northern Ireland market smoothly.

BACL Service :

BACL can provide you with efficient and reliable IECEE CB Scheme NCB and CBTL, United States (NRTL, FCC, ENERGY STAR), Canada (ISED, SCC), European Union (CE), United Kingdom (UKCA AB & AOC), Northern Ireland (UKNI) , Australia (RCM), South Korea (KC), Japan (MIC), Singapore (IMDA), Hong Kong (OFCA), Taiwan (NCC, BSMI), Egypt (NTRA, GOEIC), Vietnam (MIC), Saudi Arabia (SASO, CITC) ), Philippines (NTC ), Thailand (NBTC ), Malaysia (SIRIM ), India (BIS, WPC, TEC) and other multi-national certification services to ensure that your products can still enter international trade smoothly today as international trade barriers are becoming increasingly fierce market!