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Switzerl and Approved Several Substances in Annex XIV of REACH
Publisher:Admin  Source:  Date:2020/12/31

In September 2020, the Swiss Federal Environment Agency approved to amend the chemical risk reduction regulation (SR 814.81, orrchem) to increase the prohibition of substances listed in Appendix XIV of EU REACH Regulation (EC) no 1907 / 2006. The amendment took effect on November 1, 2020.

The following substances will be added to appendix 1.17 of SR 814.81. It is prohibited to use these substances, put the products containing these substances on the market, and use them for professional or commercial purposes after the corresponding transition period.


*Transition period for the following uses until July 2, 2026:

a. Used to produce replacement parts that are used to repair items. The substance is used or has been used in the production of the article, and the article cannot function normally without the replacement part;

b. Used to repair items. The substance is used or has been used in the production of the article, and the article can only be repaired with the substance.

In the European Union, according to regulation (EC) no 1907 / 2006 (reach), some substances with carcinogenicity, mutagenicity or reproductive toxicity (CMR substances), substances with persistent bioaccumulation and toxicity (PBT substances), substances with strong persistence and bioaccumulation (vpvb substances) are listed as substances of high concern, so they can be included in Appendix XIV of reach.

In Switzerland, the European list of classified substances of high concern (i.e. the list of candidate substances) is included in Annex 3 of the federal chemicals regulations (SR 813.11), while the relevant issues concerning the approval requirements of substances of high concern in the EU have been raised in Annex 1.17 of the chemical risk reduction regulations (orrchem). The use and use of substances listed in Annex 1.17 orrchem on the market is prohibited. The license granted by the European Commission takes the form of exemption from the ban, as long as the relevant substances are put on the market and used in accordance with the terms authorized by the European Union. In addition, annex 1.17 of orrchem also provides that the chemical registration office may grant other exemptions for a limited period of time after application, in consultation with the Federal Environment Agency (Foen), the federal public health agency (foph) and the National Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco), so as to put prohibited substances on the market and use them in Switzerland. The Federal Commission also authorized Foen to adjust the list of substances after consultation with foph and seco, and to add substances previously listed in Annex 3 (list of candidate substances) of the chemical regulations and annex XIV of the European chemical regulations to the list.

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