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发布者:管理员  发布时间:2022/2/23

一、韩国(South Korea)

2022年1月6日,韩国技术与标准局 (KATS) 宣布修订三项KC电器安全标准,以符合有关电器安全管理的国际公约 (WTO/TBT、IECEE):

On 6 January 2022, the South Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) announced the revision of three KC safety standards for electrical appliances in order to comply with international conventions on the safety management of electrical appliances (WTO/TBT, IECEE):



1、KC 60335-2-7家用和类似用途电器安全第2-7部分:洗衣机的特殊要求:


• 在正常运行期间,通过表面材料和位置附加温升标准;

• 附加过载运行测试的条件;

• 放宽门的内部开启力标准;

• 附加蒸汽发生器的要求。

1、KC 60335-2-7 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines: The revised safety standards and major changes are as follows:

Specification of test items such as temperature rise, abnormal operation, and structure - 

• addition of temperature rise standards by surface material and location during normal operation;

• addition of condition for overload operation test;

• relaxation of standards for internal opening force of doors;

• addition of requirements for steam generators.


2、KC 60335-2-23 家用和类似用途电器安全 第2-23部分:皮肤或毛发护理器具的特殊要求:


• 纠正错误并附加特定产品的要求;

• 地板/桌面上使用的设备附加的安全测试;

• 附加装置表面的结构要求,以防止烧伤用户。

2. KC 60335-2-23 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-23: Particular requirements for skin or hair care:

Specification of labeling and test items for mechanical hazard and structure, etc - 

• correction of errors and addition of requirements for specific products;

• addition of safety tests for equipment used on the floor/table;

• addition of structural requirements for device surface to prevent burns to users.


3、KC 60335-2-80 家用和类似用途电器安全 第2-80部分:风扇的特殊要求:


• 附加特定产品的标签项目;

• 附加与挤压或受伤风险相关的测试项目。




3. KC 60335-2-80 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans:

Specification of labeling and test items for mechanical hazard, etc - 

• addition of labeling items for specific products;

• addition of test items related to pinching or injury risk.


The Notice entered into force on 6 January 2022.

The previous KC version can be applied with the above safety standard until 2022.12.31.



1、2021年12月10日,智利SEC发布了第9876号决议,批准关于电微波炉测试和认证的安全协议 PE:1/18:2021。根据决议,为了获得证书,必须符合以下国际标准;

IEC 60335-2-25:2020


自2022年11月30日起,国内的电微波炉制造商、进口商和销售商必须持有相应的批准证书。在PE No. 1/18: 2021协议适用日期之前按照PE No. 1/18:2007认证的批次产品,可以在国内销售,售完即止。


On 10 December 2021, the Chilean SEC issued Resolution No. 9876 approving Protocol PE: 1/18:2021 on the safety protocol for testing and certification of electric microwave ovens.  According to the Resolution, for the purpose of certification, must conform to the following international standard:

IEC 60335-2-25:2020


National manufacturers, importers and marketers of electric microwave ovens must have the respective certificates of approval starting from 30 November 2022. Batches of products that were certified in accordance with PE No. 1/18:2007 before the date of application of protocol PE No. 1/18: 2021, may be marketed in the country while supplies last.

Manufacturers and importers interested in using protocol PE No. 1/18:2021, before its entry into force, may do so when there are Certification Bodies authorised for such purposes.

Protocol PE: 1/18:2021 will apply from 30 November 2022.


2、2021年12月2日,智利电力和燃料监管局 (SEC) 发布了第 9712 号决议,批准了关于真空吸尘器的第 1/01:2021 号议定书。生效日期为 2022年12月31日。使用的标准是 IEC 60335-2-2:2019;IEC 60335-1:2010+AMD1:2013+AMD2:2016,并且根据 CEI 23-50 或 CEI 23-34 (EN 50075) 检查插头的尺寸。


On December 2, 2021, the Chilean Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) published Resolution No. 9712 approving Protocol PE No. 1/01:2021, concerning to Vacuum cleaners.  The entry in force is 31.12.2022.

The standards to use are IEC 60335-2-2:2019; IEC 60335-1: 2010+AMD1:2013+AMD2:2016; Dimension check of plug according to CEI 23-50 or CEI 23-34 (EN 50075).



第58/2020 号条例: 强制执行印度尼西亚家用厨房机械和液体加热器具国家标准,已于2021年12月23日生效。该法令规定,在该国生产或在进口该国、分销和销售的所有用于加热液体以利用家用电力的厨房机器和器具均应满足 SNI 要求。





• SNI 7859-2013,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第1部分:一般要求;和SNI IEC 60335-2-14-2011,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第2-14部分:厨房机械的特殊要求;用于电动搅拌机、电动榨汁机、电动混合器和电动食品切碎机。

• SNI 7859-2013,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第1部分:一般要求;和SNI IEC 60335-2-15-2011,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第2-15部分:液体加热用电器的特殊要求;用于电饭煲和电水壶。

• SNI 7859-2013,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第1部分:一般要求;和SNI IEC 60335-2-74:2010,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第2-74部分:便携式浸入式加热器的特殊要求;用于浸入式加热器。

• SNI 7859-2013,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第1部分:一般要求;SNI IEC 60335-2-15-2011,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第2-15部分:液体加热器具的特殊要求;和SNI IEC 60335-2-24-2009,家用和类似用途电器-安全-第2-24部分:制冷设备、冰淇淋机和制冰机的特殊要求;饮水机。

Mandatory Implementation of Indonesian National Standards for Household Kitchen Machinery and Appliances for Heating Liquids, Regulation No. 58/2020.


This decree states that all of Kitchen Machines and Appliances for Heating Liquids for Utilization of Household Electricity produced within the country or imported, distributed and marketed in the country shall fulfil the SNI requirements. The producers which produced these products therefore shall comply with those requirements proven by having Product Certificate for Using SNI Mark.


The product certificate on SNI marking shall be issued by a Product Certification Body which has been accredited by KAN and appointed by the Minister of Industry through testing of the conformity of the products quality against SNI requirements.


Products which are distributed in domestic market that originated domestically and imported shall meet the requirements consisted in:

• SNI 7859-2013, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements; and SNI IEC 60335-2-14-2011, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines; for Electrical Blender, Electrical Juicer, Electrical Mixer and Electrical Food Chopper;

• SNI 7859-2013, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements; and SNI IEC 60335-2-15-2011, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids; for Rice Cooker and Electric Kettle;

• SNI 7859-2013, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements; and SNI IEC 60335-2-74:2010, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable immersion heaters; for Immersion Heaters;

• SNI 7859-2013, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements; SNI IEC 60335-2-15-2011, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids; and SNI IEC 60335-2-24-2009, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers; for Water Dispenser;


This Regulation enters into force on 23 December 2021.



BACL是美国OSHA和加拿大SCC双认可的北美安规认证机构,欧盟CE认证的通告机构(Notified Body: 1313),IECEE CB Scheme的认证机构NCB和测试实验室CBTL(CB102, TL730, TL792, TL796, TL360);同时还获得A2LA, IAS, CNAS, CMA, FDA, ACMA, SAA等场地授权和认可,分别在美国、韩国、台湾、深圳福田和南山、东莞、成都、昆山等地设有安规测试实验室,可为您提供IT/AV, HOUS、照明产品、电源产品、电动工具等产品的全球认证,包括:美国(NRTL, FCC, ENERGY STAR, FDA, DOE, CEC), 加拿大(SCC, ISED, NRCan),欧盟(CE), 韩国(KC), 欧盟CE NB, 国际电工委员会IECEE CB Scheme, 日本(MIC), 新加坡(IMDA), 香港(OFCA),台湾(NCC, BSMI), 埃及(NTRA, GOEIC), 越南(MIC), 沙特(SASO), 菲律宾(NTC),泰国(NBTC), 马来西亚(SIRIM), 印度(BIS, WPC, TEC)等多国认证服务,保障您的产品在国际贸易壁垒日趋激烈的今天,依然顺利的进入国际贸易市场!
