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发布者:管理员  发布时间:2015/4/17

1、玻璃泡壳LED Lamp,如果做完Drop test ,至少3/4 泡壳破坏了,UL 可以接受,只需要在最小包装上增加一句话:

Caution ---Risk of Electric Shock ,Do not use if outer lamp Envelope is damaged or broken.


2、集成电源的灯具,即直接由LED Module 供电的免驱动灯具,认证时候不需要增加FKSZ 或者OOQA 的额外驱动认证。直接做灯具的认证即可。

3、Type A 灯管现在不做Risk of shock –relamping test .

4、OOLV 产品(灯泡和灯管),如果产品需要加强绝缘,以前要求加强绝缘的最小厚度为0.4mm,现在已取消。

5、type B 的双端灯管需要改电路,CCN:IFAR+OOLV,如果有加行程开关的,取消行程开关的认证要求,只要控制塑胶材料的UL 黄卡信息和规格参数。但是这个行程开关还需要满足以下要求。


An interlock mechanism located on the free end of the lamp under test is allowed to operate normally if it meets all the following criteria:

1 个在灯管的自由端的连锁机械装置,要进行测试,如果符合下面所有要求就允许它正常工作:

a) Actuators shall be located only on the face of the lamp bases and have a normally-open,momentary-type action that automatically engage and disengage when the lamp is inserted or removed from the luminaire;致动器(行程开关)必须安装在灯头lamp base 的表面上,并且具备常开型的、记忆性动作的,这个动作是这样的,当灯管插进灯具或者从灯具移开,它就能自动咬合或者断开。

b) Actuators shall require a force of no more than 4.45 N (1 lbf) to recess flush with the lamp basesurface;


c) The actuator shall be made from or externally encapsulated by an insulating material that complies with the requirements for basic insulation;


d) The actuator shall be shaped and located to reduce the likelihood of accidental engagement by an end user during lamp insertion into or removal from an energized luminaire.The actuator is considered to comply with this requirement if it cannot be engaged by a 50.8mm (2 inch) diameter rigid sphere regardless of how it contacts the lamp, see Figure SA8.2;and 致动器(行程开关)的成型和安装位置必须要有助于减少意外操作的可能性,这些操作出现在终端产品使用者插进通电的灯具或者从通电的灯具移开灯管。如果致动器不能触碰到直径50.8mm (2 inch)、

如下图Figure SA8.2 所示的钢球(不管钢球如何触碰灯管),就认为它是符合要求的。Interlock Switch - Accidental Engagement (如下是50.8 的钢球,钢球任何位置接触不能触及开关动作)


e) The interlock mechanism shall endure 500 actuation cycles under its intended electrical load without resulting in mechanical or electrical damage to the lamp or mechanism.

这个连锁机械装置要通过500 个循环耐久测试,这个测试是灯管正常负载的,测试之后灯或
