On 27 June 2018, ECHA has added eight new SVHCs to the Candidate List following the SVHC identification process, Besides,Two further substances, TMA and DCHP, have also been added to the list, having been identified as SVHCs by the European Commission On 19 April 2018 and 25 April 2018 due to their respiratory sensitising properties and toxic for reproduction and endocrine-disrupting properties, respectively.
Substances included in SVHC List on 27 June 2018 as follows:
The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) now contains 191 substances.
BACL Service
BACL, with its headquarter in Silicon Valley, it is a global and comprehensive international third-party testing and certification body. Currently we have physical and chemical testing labs in the United States, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Xiamen and other places, and we have accredited the certifications by UKAS, CNAS, CPSC, CMA and other authorities.We offer a full range of testing services which cover footwear, toys, textile, clothing, leather, jewelry, groceries, food contact materials, cosmetics and electrical and electronic products, etc. We can help enterprises to complete the precise control of whole industry chain from raw materials to the finished products.